On this page, you can read about the values that make us successful together, how we ensure that we are a workplace for all, and how we strike the right work-life balance.

Our values

Grunden till vår företagskultur ligger i våra värderingar. Tillsammans med Stockholm Exergis uppförandekod visar de vilka vi är och vad vi står för. Vi frågade våra kollegor vad värderingarna betyder för dem.

We are curious, we identify new approaches, and we come up with new solutions to problems. We dare to try new things. We ask, we listen and we are responsive. We want to understand different perspectives and learn from each other.

We take the initiative. We suggest and implement improvements. We challenge ourselves and go the extra mile. We face difficult situations, even if they are not our direct responsibility. We reduce carbon dioxide emissions and create carbon sinks. We employ young people through government programmes who might otherwise be outside the labour market, and we come up with new, smart services, such as Intelligy.

We are responsible. We take social and environmental responsibility. We contribute to a healthy corporate culture and call things out if something is not right. Either our colleagues and entrepreneurs work safely or they don’t work at all. We support those around us and keep our promises, we stand up for what we do and what we think. We complete tasks, we help to solve problems, and address shortcomings.

Diversity and inclusion

Stockholm Exergi needs and welcomes people from a wide variety of backgrounds, perspectives and professional experience. We know that a mix of individuals makes for healthier and more satisfied employees with lower levels of sick leave. A diverse workforce contributes to improved decision making and increases creativity. The more differences we have, the better results we achieve.

Our successful and sustainable diversity policy is based on our inclusive culture. At Stockholm Exergi, everyone feels welcome and has equal opportunities to be themselves. To become a gender-equal company that reflects the diversity of society, we need to work continuously on these issues. That’s why we have a long-term plan in place that includes the following three focus areas: education, communication, and recruitment.

The right work-life balance

We know that employees with functional work-life balances perform better and stay with us longer. It allows us to attract more, talented colleagues of both sexes. We have flexible working hours and offer opportunities to work remotely where possible.