Frequently asked questions about heat recovery and Open District Heating:

Energy prices, delivery temperatures and capacity requirements are published when a supplier logs into their account after 4pm the day prior to delivery, and are based on the projected outdoor temperature for the coming day. Payments to suppliers for delivered heat are made on a monthly basis.

As an example, excess heat of 1MW delivered for the majority of the year generates income amounting to approximately SEK 2.0 million.

Stockholm Exergi invests in pipe laying and connection to the district heating network, and suppliers invest in the necessary production plants. Typically, it takes between six and nine months to establish the necessary technical infrastructure.

Yes: using standardized models based on outdoor temperatures, you can evaluate the potential value of heat supply.

Stockholm Exergi and prospective suppliers review options together in terms of purchasing capacity for the district heating network, the financial circumstances, and the operational and any other requirements of a potential supplier. For connection, Stockholm Exergi lays pipes that connect suppliers’ facilities to the district heating network and suppliers construct the necessary production plants.

Payments are based on the delivery temperature and energy volumes according to standardized models that are based on projected outdoor temperatures.

Yes, there are more than 20. Read more about our reference applications here

As an Open District Heating supplier, you are paid for the excess heat you supply on a monthly basis. Payment levels are based on delivery temperatures, outdoor ambient temperatures, and energy volumes according to standardized models.

A cost can be transformed into a revenue stream as payments are made for the excess heat that Stockholm Exergi buys; furthermore, this supports your company’s environmental profile.

It is a standardized, transparent and large-scale heat recovery model that is available to all businesses in the vicinity to the Stockholm Exergi network of pipes that have excess heat to sell.

Heat that is delivered to Stockholm Exergi’s system becomes district heating that is used for heating and hot water for the city’s homes and offices.